Thursday, January 12, 2012

More Pictures

Dixie and her goatie.

"Hey!! Where are you taking my brother off to?"


You won't find any thing cuter then those two sweeties!

Dixie trying to get Luther to eat her hair. Silly girl. :-)

"Oh! Is that milk for us?"
                                     Sorry for the picture overload. :-) They are just SO cute!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012



"Let's go see what's over there."

"Did you hear that?"

Calvin trying to jump on the couch.

The baby goats born on Jan 4 are growing fast! We figured out that they are preemies. Roughly three weeks early. Which generally means that they have a very slim chance of surviving. But they are now learning how to jump, play, and head butt each other. They eat roughly 7 oz of milk per feeding. They get fed every 5 hours. A goat born full term would at this age already be eating 20 oz a feeding. That tells you how small these babies are. We,Grace and I, decided to call the cream colored one Calvin and the white and black one Luther. :) For a couple days we were worried that Luther had some health issues. He wasn't as interested in exploring as Calvin was, and he appeared to be blind. But now he's as active as his brother. They will follow any thing that moves that they think might possibly have food for them. Earlier this evening Calvin was missing. We found him at the end of the hall were he had wandered while following Dixie. It won't be long before they are jumping on the couch, bouncing off the walls, and getting into things. :-) Baby goats are so much fun!!