Monday, February 13, 2012

It's raining kids!

There are four rubbermaid bins lined up along one side of our dinning room. In those bins there are nine baby goats of various sizes and ages. Last night there were seven bins with fourteen babies.
Fourteen!! Do you know how much milk 14 baby goats drink in one sitting? A LOT! This morning five of them went to their new homes. So now we are feeding the nine who are left plus the six that are outside.
From beginning to end it takes a hour. Some of them eat really fast. Some of them eat really s....l....o....w.

Llano's doeling & one of Yoyo's babies.

The little bitties! The black one's Bonnie's little doe and the belted one's Sophie's doe.
This little doe loves to sleep on the bottom book shelf. This is the other one of Yoyo's babies.
Meet the giants! The white one is Mesquite's doeling and the belted one is Sophie's buckling. They are both BIG!
The one not looking at us is Nyasa's doeling. She has some pretty markings. The chocolate one is Serano's doe.