Thursday, January 19, 2012

Rebel Yell

 Another goat kidded this morning! And since it is Confederate Heroes Day Dad named her Rebel Yell. Yes she sure can yell!

"Finally! I did it! I stood up all by myself!"
Those are some ears.

Practicing her pose.
Yes we do do Confederate Heroes Day here at the farm. We have (and are proud of) our Confederate ancestors. For that matter we are also proud of our Union ancestors. In fact one of our relatives was a  spy for the Union during the war. A female spy to be exact. How cool is that? :-) The best way to describe why we honor these "rebels" is to point you to my Mom's blog

Sunday, January 15, 2012


So for the last week and a half I've been cleaning out the storage shed/new sewing room. While cleaning out the inside part of the shed I found Christmas ornaments that were missing, a newspaper from November 23,1963, and pictures of Dad when he was a teeny little boy. He looked like Judah. :-) He was cute! So after I cleaned the floor, it was time to fix the door knob and the windows. One of the windows was broken by yours truly (I told you I couldn't aim well), and the other one was broken by Timmy. He has no excuse for bad aim. Come on, he plays baseball. He has no excuse for hitting the window instead of the tree. ;-) I successfully removed what remained of the bottom window without any thing or any one getting hurt. Then I moved on to the top window. Removed the glass but not without a trip to the house for some hydrogen peroxide and band-aides. Ouch! So now I'm working on cleaning the outside portion of the shed, which has been used as a place for the bikes, lawn mowers, spare washing machines and dryers, and in the rare event of a hurricane ever hitting us, a goat shelter. I've also found out that this is where our dogs bring the little "treasures" that they find in the woods. You can not imagine all the things that they've brought back from their daily wanderings. So by tomorrow evening I'm hoping to have the entire shed cleaned out and organized so that on Tuesday I can start moving my sewing stuff in there. I can't wait!! :-)