Thursday, October 15, 2015

So Excited!

I'm so excited! Grace is engaged! I'm very happy to be able to call Aaron brother. They are perfect for each other.  �� I remember the first time that we met the entire Jones family, almost 11 years ago.  I wasn't too pleased with Aaron then.  All he and Isaac wanted to do was hunt for frogs and toads. Yuck! Thankfully he is over his toad and frog fascination. Now he is about to become a member of our family. :-D So happy!!! He is getting a beautiful, kind, upstanding young lady with an amazing God-filled heart. She is getting a sweet, generous, understanding, hardworking young man with a God-filled heart, who would go to the ends of the world for her. They have shown each other respect and caring all through their courtship, doing all with a mindfulness towards honoring God. I have great respect for these two wonderful people. I hope that when I am in a courtship to be as honoring and upright as y'all have been. I know it can not have been as easy as y'all make it look. Congratulations Grace and Aaron!!! May your marriage be filled with love, and may the best years of your lives be those that y'all spend together!