Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Where Did It Go To?

Where did 2012 go to? Wow! It went by fast, didn't it? And what happened during this past year here at the farm? Thankfully it was full of quite changes. No wild fires, no evacuations. Quite but none-the-less big changes. We've had a movie filmed here. Katie went to New York again. She also went to Colorado for the National Dairy Goat show. And she went to Idaho for the National Dairy Goat convention ( have you figured out yet that she loves doing dairy goats?) We have made new friends. And done things that we hadn't done before. Like going to the Renaissance Festival. This year I've also done more sewing then in any other previous year. In the space of two and a half months I have sewn three Civil War ball gowns, a Renaissance costume, a Civil War day dress, a cape, and a medieval dress for my self. In the last ten days I've sewn two night gowns, and a cloak for Judah. I love to sew!!! :) My sewing room has gone through several "transitions". I've had the sewing room for a year now. In that time it has been messy, clean, messy, clean. But almost always there is a project being worked on. It sure is nice having a dedicated space for my sewing. So yes. It has been a year full of blessings.