Thursday, August 9, 2012

Eowyn's Green Dress part Two

So it is three days past my deadline for sewing the green Eowyn dress.While I haven't gotten the dress made in the finer fabric  that I wanted to make it in I did complete the "test dress". I used fabric that I had in my fabric bin and it isn't the prettiest thing out there but this was a test run, right? I am very pleased with the out come. It is the first "fantasy" dress that I've made for myself that I really like. I fully lined the dress even though the pattern did not call for it. The fashion fabric is a deep purple, the lining is a pale yellow. Think butter yellow. The yoke is also made with the yellow fabric. The front of the underskirt is a flowered print on a pink background and the back of it is a mish-mash of  different fabric ends that I had on hand. It looks like a patchwork quilt. But you don't se the back so it doesn't really matter. :) I will post my notes and pictures of it in a later post so you can see what it looks like. Now that I know how to make it I can't wait to sew it in the fashion fabric.

Dress Forms

Mom and Dad are getting me a dress form for my birthday. Yeah! Woohoo! I'm so excited! I can't wait! A new sewing toy to play with. :) I've really wanted one and now I'm getting it. I was wondering if any one who reads my blog has any suggestions on which one I should get or what to look for. Any suggestions would be appreciated. :)